カナダ留学だより 11月

Hi. I’m Hiyori.
In Canada, morning temperatures often drop below 5 degrees. Frost is starting to form, so I feel the season changing into winter recently. One day, on my way to school, I saw a wild deer on the road and it surprised me.
In Canada, morning temperatures often drop below 5 degrees. Frost is starting to form, so I feel the season changing into winter recently. One day, on my way to school, I saw a wild deer on the road and it surprised me.

At the beginning of November, I had a field trip as part of a world religion class which I’m taking next semester. We went to a theatre to watch a movie about the Jewish people. The content of the film was so moving that it brought home to many students the cruelty and tragedy of the Holocaust. When I learned about the Nazi persecution in Japan, it somehow seemed unrealistic, but spending my days interacting with students from various countries makes the conflict between countries feel more familiar and I feel grateful to be able to spend time with students from other countries like this if it were a normal thing.
11月の初めに次の学期に取っている世界史の校外学習がありました。私たちは映画館でユダヤ人についての映画を見ました。映画の内容はとても印象深く、多くの生徒がHolocaust(ナチスドイツ政権が行ったユダヤ人大虐殺のこと)の悲惨さや残酷さに涙を流していました。私が日本でユダヤ人迫害について習った時は、どこか現実味があ りませんでしたが、さまざまな国の生徒と過ごしていると、国同士の争いをより身近に感じるよう になり、またこうして当たり前に他国の生徒と過ごせることをありがたく感じました。
Also, on the weekend, I went to a sushi restaurant with a friend. It had been a while since I had sushi, so it tasted even better. However, I was a bit shocked at how expensive it was.
11月の初めに次の学期に取っている世界史の校外学習がありました。私たちは映画館でユダヤ人についての映画を見ました。映画の内容はとても印象深く、多くの生徒がHolocaust(ナチスドイツ政権が行ったユダヤ人大虐殺のこと)の悲惨さや残酷さに涙を流していました。私が日本でユダヤ人迫害について習った時は、どこか現実味があ りませんでしたが、さまざまな国の生徒と過ごしていると、国同士の争いをより身近に感じるよう になり、またこうして当たり前に他国の生徒と過ごせることをありがたく感じました。
Also, on the weekend, I went to a sushi restaurant with a friend. It had been a while since I had sushi, so it tasted even better. However, I was a bit shocked at how expensive it was.

Christmas is just around the corner. There will be some events at school and I’m really looking forward to experiencing Christmas overseas.