カナダ留学だより 10月
Hi, I’m Hiyori. The temperature and scenery are very different from September, and the autumn leaves are very beautiful in Canada.
Speaking of October, Halloween is a big event in Canada. At school, the week of Halloween is called Sprite Week, and each day of the week has a different theme, with everyone dressing up accordingly. The theme of dressing up as your favorite artists was very memorable as everyone was bursting with individuality. Also, we had a Halloween party called Fright Night at school. There was a haunted house and various games. I went there with my friends and had a great time.
10月と言えば、カナダではハロウィンが大きなイベントです。学校ではsprite week(精霊週間)と呼ばれるハロウィン週間があり、各曜日の異なるテーマに合わせた服を着ました。好きなアーティストの服装をする日は、みんな個性で溢れていて印象に残りました。また、学校ではfright night(恐ろしい夜)と呼ばれるハロウィンパーティーが開かれました。お化け屋敷や様々なゲームがあり、私は友達と一緒にとても楽しい時間を過ごすことができました。
Speaking of October, Halloween is a big event in Canada. At school, the week of Halloween is called Sprite Week, and each day of the week has a different theme, with everyone dressing up accordingly. The theme of dressing up as your favorite artists was very memorable as everyone was bursting with individuality. Also, we had a Halloween party called Fright Night at school. There was a haunted house and various games. I went there with my friends and had a great time.
10月と言えば、カナダではハロウィンが大きなイベントです。学校ではsprite week(精霊週間)と呼ばれるハロウィン週間があり、各曜日の異なるテーマに合わせた服を着ました。好きなアーティストの服装をする日は、みんな個性で溢れていて印象に残りました。また、学校ではfright night(恐ろしい夜)と呼ばれるハロウィンパーティーが開かれました。お化け屋敷や様々なゲームがあり、私は友達と一緒にとても楽しい時間を過ごすことができました。

On Halloween day, I walked around my neighborhood and did trick-or-treating with my host family. I thought it was interesting that whether or not a pumpkin is placed at the entrance indicates whether candies are prepared. All of the neighbors were very kind and we got many candies.

In food class, we made pumpkin pie. It was my first time making and eating pumpkin pie. Pumpkin pie is very popular on Halloween, so when I told my classmates that I had never tried pumpkin pie, they were very surprised. I felt this was a cultural difference. By the way, my first pumpkin pie was very tasty.
I was happy to be able to enjoy Halloween in a way that I can't experience in Japan.
I was happy to be able to enjoy Halloween in a way that I can't experience in Japan.
・留学だより 9月
・留学だより 9月