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カナダ留学だより ビクトリア 10月

It is already October, and I am getting used to life in Canada. Recently, the temperatures have been dropping.


First, on October 9th, we celebrated Thanksgiving. It is a holiday to appreciate the autumn harvest, and in Canada, it is celebrated with family gathering on the second Monday of October. We enjoy dishes such as turkey, mashed potatoes, corn, pumpkin pie, and apple pie. I was surprised that cranberry sauce is often served with turkey!! In Japan, we usually use gravy with turkey.


Around mid-October, my school prayed the Rosary. It is a form of prayer using a rosary, and it is dedicated to the Virgin Mary. All students gathered in the church, and we recited the "Hail Mary" prayer in various languages. I also prayed in Japanese in front of everyone. It was quite nerve-wracking to speak in front of the whole school even in Japanese, but it was a good experience. After this, teachers and friends complimented me, and that made me very happy.


In late October, we had "spooky spirit week" at school. During this week, we dressed up in daily themes, which were Scrabble, Barbie & Ken, Influencer, Rhythm without a Reason, and Halloween. Both students and teachers dressed according to the theme, so I was more excited about going to school.
Furthermore, on October 26th, the Halloween party called "Fright Night" was held at school. It had a haunted house and a dance floor with a DJ who kept the party lively.

10月下旬にはspooky spirit week(お化け週間)がありました。この週はその日のお題に合わせて服を着ていきます。スクラブル(ゲーム)、バービー&ケン、インフルエンサー、ハロウィンなどで生徒はもちろん先生方もお題に合わせて服を着て来られ、楽しい1週間でした。
また、10月26日にFright Night(恐怖の夜)というハロウィンパーティーが学校で開かれました。お化け屋敷とダンスフロアがありました。ダンスフロアではDJの方がいて会場を盛り上げていました。
I've been able to have experiences that are rare in Japan and explore new cultures in Canada. Moreover, my school has a lot of international students, so I have opportunities to learn about different cultures and languages, making my days fulfilling.


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